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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Where I am

I thought its time to end this little three part series about my new chapter in life :) So, here's the recap....

God led me to quit KCQ's cakes and go back to school to pursue a career in counseling... plus a few other details...

So, I began to take steps to pursue what seemed like a bit of a long shot dream. I figured it would take me two years. I went into Piedmont and met with the Registrar. He, ever so patiently, began to look at my mess of transcripts. You see, I spent a year and a half on campus. Went back a couple of years later...did another semester. A couple of years later went back online... and now wanted to finish up :P After a couple of hours...yes it took hours... he told me if I added the counseling minor I could finish in a couple of years...a couple of semesters full time and a couple part time. If I just added a christian ministry minor I could graduate next May. Yes, that's right....walk down the glorious stage in my cap and gown and receive my degree in a YEAR!!!! To do anything in counseling you need a master's degree in counseling, which I hope to pursue next fall...sooooo, I decided to drop the counseling minor and graduate in less than a year. Woot Woot!

It gets even better. I told the registrar that I really wanted my school schedule to match up with the boy's school schedule. I wanted to take them to school and pick them up...especially with it being Carter's first year in Kindergarden. My schedule matched perfectly up with their school schedule except for an early class on Monday and Wednesday. We looked at the online schedule and that class is offered online!! I thought that would be such a long shot to get our schedules matched up, but they are. Isn't God good :) I don't have any classes on Tuesday and Thursdays, so I'm hoping to use those days to get caught up on work and homework, so I can still invest in my boys. 

So here I am now. About to embark on this crazy adventure... and I'm so excited. Last week I recommitted it to the Lord again as I had began to OVER plan (trying to get every detail figured out for the next 10 years :P. I want to make sure I'm not putting my hope in my dream, but in the Lord. I don't want to be in a place where I'll be devastated if it doesn't work out, but trust His provision and protection for whatever direction He wants me and my family to go... basically being okay with whatever happens because I know He loves me and is giving me whats best for me. I start a couple of online classes next month. Lets pray that my next post isn't a helpless cry about how insane my life is :P

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