My mom is in town this week and yesterday we decided to take the boys to concord mills mall yesterday. We had a blast and completed the trip with a few bags of candy and popcorn for the ride home. We got home around 9 and I went to bed around 11 feeling a little sick from all of the sugar I consumed! I fell asleep, woke up at 3, couldn't go back to sleep until 5, which produced this dream...

(My sister's actual wedding day)
It is now time for the wedding to start and my friend's son, who is a kid, walks down the isle and I suddenly realize that he is getting married. We all were a bit disturbed, but somehow in this dream it made sense!
I am now suddenly in harry potter land...and I am harry. ( I am reading the books and don't know the ending yet....someone has told me that everyone dies in the end, but I refuse to believe that). I find Dumbledore...realizing that he comes back to life (what I am secretly wishing to happen even though it seems highly unlikely), and together we save the world. (It looked something like this)
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