family pic

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Problem with Problems

Monday, October 24, 2011
A new chapter
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
after football practice...
(their halloween costumes a couple of years ago, soon I'll be able to post a picture of them in their first official uniforms :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Carter's Quote of the Day
Quinton and Carter have been signed up to play flag football at the YMCA. Quinton is thrilled. Carter...well, not so much. Carter wouldn't participate in anything if it were up to him. He is perfectly content with staying home with his legos all day. I want him to give other activities a try before he rules them out. I thought that maby he is worried about getting tackled, so there in our minivan I explained the game to him. How if the ball is thrown to him, he will get to run as fast as he can to make a touch down. How when the other team has the ball, he will get to chase them and try to tear a flag. How they will get to protect their team mates. We pull in the driveway as I finish and just sit there in silence. I can see his little mind processing this information. I wonder if I have sold it to him so I ask
"because I hate it"
(end of conversation)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
My not so ideal evening
After I picked Quinton up from school I started on the meal. I thought this could be a fun family activity. The boys were glued to the TV and wouldn't aswer when I asked them to help mommy. I ended up loosing it with them and yelled at them to listen to me. Not a great start to our fun filled family evening. Kydon hung onto my legs the whole time and screamed at me. I was cooking on the stove top, turned my back and turned around to see him on a stool reaching for the stove. My heart momentarily stopped as I moved him and tossed the stool into the other room. He proceed to reach for the sink and scream at me. He wanted a sink bath. I thought that could me nice. He could play happily in the sink while I finished dinner. Not so much. He played for a whole 5 min and started to crawl onto the counter. I took him out, let him cry, and frantically finished dinner.
Dinner is cooked. I put kydon's food in his high chair and go ahead and place him in it. As I'm filling the boys' plates I see he is throwing all his food on the floor. I try to get him to eat...add BBQ to his chicken and look over to see the boys eating up their food....without me. I finally sit down and Kydon stands up to inform me he is finished. I get him out of the chair and he cries at my legs while I try to eat my dinner. I cave and turn the TV on. Happy to have him entertained I sit back down and proceed to initiate a conversation with Quinton about school. I ask him the same question 5 xs and realize that talking is pointless bc they can see the TV...if I turn it off we have to deal with grumpy baby.
We finish the meal. The kitchen is now a COMPLETE disaster (did I mention that Kydon also got out ALL the pots and pans while I was cooking). And mommy is WORN OUT! I tried. I'm going to give it another try tomorrow and maby it will gradually start to get better....I sure hope so!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Devos with the boys

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My Carter Barter...

Here are a list of questions that I asked carter followed by his response:
Name- Tarter
Age- holds up 4 fingers
favorite thing to do- uh....mommy tell me which days i get to play the wii on
favorite toy- actually my favorite toy is daddy's lego ship...his star wars
favorite game- hmmm i will say its star wars
future job- i want to work at the lego store
favorite color- all of the colors except pink and purple
favorite place to eat- mcdonalds, that's a place you can play tag you're it and hide and go seek. and mommy, and mommy, and mommy, mommy at church I told that riley girl where a girl was and her found her.
what are you good at- I will say I'm really good at building legos
favorite movie- its only lego rock monster...and star wars...and lego ningago (followed by a long graphic story about lego ningago)
Things he has taught me:
1. You shouldn't love lego's more than you love God. He "loves God first, then legos"
2. Apparently I shouldn't look at the colors yellow and brown, bc looking at them might make me have to go potty (that one cracks me up :)
3. never, ever, try to give him chicken nuggets without honey mustard sauce
4. that he apparently doesn't have too many legos, his friend has two boxes of legos and that's too many, but he just has one box so he can get more legos.
5. if you can't tear into a pinata with a bat then just get rid of the bat and do you karate moves on it (yes, he did do that)
6. It is possible to use the word "eventually" at least 3 times in one sentence.
7. legos are a mommy's best friend
8. A lot of patience is needed during learning time. Letters may turn into animals or other objects at any given moment.
9. I am to call him "Mr. Carter" when he is wearing a tie
10. That sometimes its good to just take a breather, smile, and enjoy his little creative self :)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
God's will or mine...

Right before school was to start I talked to an individual from my church that basically told me I was crazy! I was forced to really think through my decision and how I was going to make it all work and I had to admit that I couldn't do it. I felt like a failure having to admit that my own son was better off in school during the day than at home with me. At this point it was too late for me to pick which school to send him to. There were a couple of public schools in the area that seemed like lesser evils :), but the choosing period was over and he had to go to sedge garden, which i hadn't heard good or bad things about.
Right at that point Quinton began to ask several questions about how to become a christian and really wanted to get saved. I had him talk to our children's pastor and he came out and told me he understood salvation and the next time he asked about to let him establish a relationship with Christ. The next day he asked and he prayed asking God to forgive the bad things he had done and that he believed in Jesus and wanted to obey Him now. I saw that as a sign from God that He was going to take care of my sweet Quinton.

He soon started school and it actually wasn't too bad :) It forced our family to get on a schedule. Kydon wasn't sleeping well, so if I didn't have to take Quinton to school I would probably just be laying around the house all day exhausted and depressed. It kept me moving, which is what my kids needed from me. Quinton actually was able to tell some kids about Jesus and two of them prayed and asked Jesus to come into their hearts during center time. He came home with alot of stories about discussions they had about God...like how "Brody said that Jesus died on a pole, but I told him he is wrong and it was a cross" :)...you know real in depth debates like that :)
As the school year was finishing out I realized that I was wrong about my view on sending Quinton off to school. I thought God was telling me that homeschooling was best but because I couldn't handle it, He was allowing me to put him in school. I realized that Quinton going off to public school was God's will for Quinton last year. That is what he wanted all along. I'm not saying that is God's will for everyone, and I do think he has equiped some mom's to homeschool their children or to put their kids in Christian school. I think I view God as being harsh and having really high expectations for me. I've even told him that I can't do all that He wants me to do. But I'm realizing that I have set alot of these expectations for myself. If I honestly and truly can't do something, I really need to evaluate if that is from God or if its an expectation I have for myself. I guess the next question is why do I have such high expectations for myself....hmmm...maby that could be for another blog :)
Monday, May 2, 2011
WORST Walmart trip ever...

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Part II of last weeks meltdown

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011
My bizarre dream...

(My sister's actual wedding day)
It is now time for the wedding to start and my friend's son, who is a kid, walks down the isle and I suddenly realize that he is getting married. We all were a bit disturbed, but somehow in this dream it made sense!
I am now suddenly in harry potter land...and I am harry. ( I am reading the books and don't know the ending yet....someone has told me that everyone dies in the end, but I refuse to believe that). I find Dumbledore...realizing that he comes back to life (what I am secretly wishing to happen even though it seems highly unlikely), and together we save the world. (It looked something like this)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Kydon

(after birthday cake with mamaw and papa black in indiana)

Thursday, March 17, 2011
A glimpse into my night

Friday, March 11, 2011
Road trip!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Lessons that I have learned today

1. Boogers are made out of sticky germs, or according so to Carter
2. If I sense God telling me to do something, it is in my best interest to listen. I will regret it if I don't.
3. You cant have big fingernails because they might make your nose bleed....
4. I should never....ever.... attempt to take all three kids to pizza hut by myself
5. Some mosters are bad guys and Christians.
6. I need to keep taking my prenatals because my sweet baby's iron will get low if mine is low :(
7. The christian monsters become bad guys when the lava starts to come out of their mouths and they don't obey quickly.
8. I can't base my willingness to have devotional time with the boys on how I feel.
9. Carter should never have his finger pricked for iron levels because it makes his mouth hurt...
10. It is ok for me to take a timeout from my kids for a few minutes...especially on days like today!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
hope deferred